How Our Ancestors Fasted
Before modern times, food was scarce. Our ancestors did not have access to grocery stores, and they primarily hunted and foraged for their own food. Sometimes, they may have gone days without any nutrition at all. Marla Ahlgrimm says this triggered an evolutionary protection that allowed the body to utilize stored components to maintain health. We can use this today to reverse some of the issues caused by free access to food 24 hours per day.
But Is It Healthy?
According to women’s health expert and retired pharmacist Marla Ahlgrimm, fasting can be healthy when done correctly and under the guidance and care of a trained healthcare or nutrition professional.
Science Backs It Up
There have been countless research studies done on the potential benefits of fasting in humans, says Marla Ahlgrimm. The vast majority of these have shown great promise. Most researchers have come to the same conclusion that fasting works to cleanse the body of toxic materials. Further, Marla Ahlgrimm says that fasting creates what’s called a metabolic switch, which is where the body uses fat instead of sugar for energy.