The end of the year is almost here, and Marla Ahlgrimm says there’s never a better time to prioritize your health. Although we are all busy with holiday cheer, the real celebration is making it through the winter with your health intact. Here are Marla Ahlgrimm’s top 10 ways that you can make sure your 2025 puts you in a position to live your healthiest, best life.
- Schedule a Checkup. Pick up the phone, contact your doctor’s office, and schedule a routine physical exam. Marla Ahlgrimm says that women should make sure this includes screenings for breast cancer, cervical cancer, and other relevant health conditions. If you are at the age of menopause, consider asking about hormone testing.
- Prioritize Mental Health. If the world is weighing down on you, Marla Ahlgrimm says that this is a great time to schedule a therapy session. Short of that, you can also engage in mindfulness practices, such as yoga or meditation. These can help relieve the stress and anxiety that go along with the holidays.
- Review and Update Your Medications. If you’re currently taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, Marla Ahlgrimm says to consult with your healthcare provider to make sure that everything is still necessary, effective, and up-to-date. Remember, medication labels and warnings may change from one year to the next, and it never hurts to have an understanding of the latest insights into anything you put into your body.
- Set Realistic Fitness Goals. Come New Year’s, it’s easy for us to run out, get a gym membership, and say we’re going to work out five days a week. The reality is that this rarely happens. Instead, Marla Ahlgrimm says to create a workout plan that actually fits your lifestyle. Make a point to gradually increase your physical activity until it becomes a natural part of your day.
- Nourish Your Body. Focus on a diet that’s full of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and, of course, lean proteins. It’s also important to drink plenty of water every day.
- Get Enough Sleep. Although it sounds cliché, Marla Ahlgrimm says that you should truly aim for about 8 to 9 hours of sleep every night. Although this can be difficult for women going through menopause, Marla Ahlgrimm says that the better you sleep, the better you will feel overall.
- Take Notes. It sounds simple, but take notes of how you feel each day. Consider journaling. This is especially helpful, says Marla Ahlgrimm, to help you track your body’s response to certain stimuli or foods.
- Limit Screen Time. Put the phone down at least an hour before bed to improve sleep quality and reduce eye strain. It can also help to step away from social media. Marla Ahlgrimm says that our never-off connectivity can send our brains and bodies into overdrive.
- Connect with Those You Love. Holidays are a time to spend quality moments with friends and family. But, Marla Ahlgrimm says that December 25th should not be your cutoff date for having one-on-one time with those you love. Spending time with people who make you feel like the best version of yourself can improve your mental and physical health in ways that no other health ritual could.
- Prioritize Self-Care. As moms, wives, business owners, educators, and all of the many roles we fill as women each day, we often put ourselves on the back burner. But, Marla Ahlgrimm says that we must learn to prioritize self-care so that we can be the best for us and for those that rely on us. Even if you only take a warm bath or read a chapter of a book each day, make sure to incorporate self-care activities into your daily routine.
2025 can be your best year yet, says Marla Ahlgrimm. By following the above tips, you can improve your health and wellness all year.